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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535450


Introducción: El análisis del discurso es un abordaje alternativo de investigación de sistemas de salud. Objetivo: Describir la producción científica que investiga los sistemas de salud utilizando el análisis del discurso como perspectiva teórico-metodológica. Métodos: Revisión sistemática exploratoria de literatura, que incluyó la búsqueda de textos en inglés y español en cinco bases de datos (SciELO, MEDLINE, PubMed, EBSCO y ScienceDirect). Se utilizaron los descriptores "sistema OR salud" AND "análisis OR discurso" y sus traducciones al inglés. Se incluyeron artículos originales con metodología cualitativa, revisiones sistemáticas exploratorias de la literatura, ensayos y tesis doctorales, cuya metodología o tema de revisión fuese expresamente descrita como análisis de discurso de sistemas de salud, de sus funciones o estructura organizativa, publicados en el periodo entre enero de 1994 a diciembre de 2019; se excluyeron textos con metodología cuantitativa, estudios mixtos y metaanálisis. Resultados: Se incluyó un total de 27 textos en la revisión, se describió en cuatro categorías la forma como el análisis del discurso puede ser utilizado en el estudio de los sistemas de salud: el concepto del proceso salud enfermedad, la autonomía del sujeto, los discursos de gestión y los sistemas de salud como política pública. Discusión: Los sistemas de salud son campos para el ejercicio de las relaciones de poder que construyen sujetos, configuran la autonomía del sujeto y determinan las intervenciones del proceso salud-enfermedad. Conclusiones: Esta revisión identificó que el discurso es utilizado como dispositivo de poder que configura sujetos y la forma como se interviene el proceso salud-enfermedad.

Introduction: An alternative approach to health systems research is discourse analysis. Objective: To describe the scientific production that investigates health systems using discourse analysis as a theoretical-methodological perspective. Methodology: Systematic review. The search was conducted in five databases (SciELO, MEDLINE, PubMed, EBSCO and Science Direct), in both Spanish and English. The descriptors used were "sistema OR salud" AND "análisis OR discurso", and their English equivalents. Qualitative studies, scoping reviews, essays and PhD theses, published between January 1994 and December 2019, were included; in all cases their subject was described clearly as discourse analysis of health systems, their functions or organizative structure. Results: A total of 27 texts were included in the revision; four categories describe how discourse analysis can be used in the study of health systems as well, the concept of the health-disease process, subject autonomy, management discourses, and health systems as public policy. Discussion: Health systems are fields for the exercise of power relations that construct subjects, configure the autonomy of the subject, and determine the interventions of the health-disease process. Conclusions: This review identifies that discourse is used as a device of power that configures subjects and the way in which the health-disease process is intervened.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(3): 346-355, ago.-dez. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531443


Este artigo traz um debate teórico a partir da interlocução entre produção de gênero e violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes. Amparado por uma perspectiva histórica e teórica acerca dos estudos de gênero, assume-se que o processo de socialização e construção das identidades dos sujeitos é marcada por práticas e discursos que incidem continuamente sobre os corpos desde sua gestação. Modelos hegemônicos de masculinidades e feminilidades atravessam as vivências dos sujeitos produzindo marcas, relações de poder, possibilidades e proibições. Assim, compreende-se o gênero enquanto categoria de análise produtora de relações de poder assimétricas que, entre outros fatores, contribuem para a reprodução da violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes. Esta trata-se de um fenômeno complexo, considerado problema de saúde pública, que se articula com questões micro e macrossociais. Nesta perspectiva, elementos como machismo, patriarcado e adultocentrismo, aliado às desigualdades étnico-raciais, socioeconômicas e de gênero mostram-se enquanto alguns dos fatores que atravessam a violência sexual infantojuvenil, tais elementos são debatidos ao longo do artigo. A prevenção e enfrentamento à violência sexual traduz-se tanto pela ruptura de práticas silenciadoras, maginalizantes e de desigualdades de poder entre os sujeitos, quanto pela efetivação de políticas públicas e criação de estratégias questionadoras das normativas de gênero.

This article seeks to outline a theoretical debate based on the dialogue between gender production and sexual violence against children and adolescents. Drawing on a historical and theoretical perspective about gender studies, it is assumed that the process of socialization and construction of the subjects' identities is marked by practices and discourses that continuously affect bodies since their gestational period. Hegemonic models of masculinity and femininity cross the subjects' experiences producing marks, relations of power, possibilities and prohibitions. Thereby gender is understood as a category of analysis that produces asymmetric power relations that - among other factors - contribute to the reproduction of sexual violence against children and adolescents. This is a complex phenomenon considered a public health problem that articulates itself with micro and macro-social issues. In this perspective elements such as machismo, patriarchy, adult-centeredness combined with ethnic-racial, socioeconomic and gender inequalities are shown as some of the factors that promote sexual violence against children and adolescents and are discussed throughout this article. The prevention and confrontation of sexual violence is also reflected in the rupture of silencing and marginalizing practices and inequalities of power among the subjects, as well as the implementation of public policies and the creation of strategies that question gender norms.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 264-267, sept. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514381


El caso de los espacios clínicos odontológicos en Chile, en una primera instancia, deben ser observados como organizaciones altamente complejas y multidimensionales -debido a que dentro de ellas operan y funcionan tres lógicas de funcionamiento, por un lado, la educación formativa de pregrado y posgrado en odontología, la perspectiva de salud producto de las prestaciones que realiza y oferta para el desarrollo de prácticas, aprendizajes y procedimientos odontológicos, por tanto, no tan solo serán espacios organizacionales tradicionales universitarios, sino que más bien serán campos sociales complejo de analizar.

The case of dental clinical spaces in Chile, in the first instance, should be observed as highly complex and multidimensional organizations - because within them operate and function three logics of operation, on the one hand, undergraduate and postgraduate training education in dentistry, the health perspective resulting from the services provided and the offer for the development of dental practices, learning and procedures, therefore, they will not only be traditional university organizational spaces, but rather complex social fields to analyze.

Assistência Odontológica/organização & administração , Comunicação , Equipe de Saúde Bucal/organização & administração , Chile
Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(4): 37-55, jul.-ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514822


Resumen La soledad individualista humana impele a vivir en pareja y a alcanzar complementariedad hombre/mujer, afecto y reci procidad. El periodismo científico de este artículo parafrasea el contenido de su bibliografía al revisar la elección de pareja, su satisfacción y complicaciones e instrucción preventiva de circunstancias que ocasionan ruptura. La falla -desde la elección-, desconoce los mecanismos entre razón e instinto sexual. El problema del amor no es ser amado sino desarrollar tal capacidad, pues lo extingue la inadaptación y monotonía. Se describe el acto elector/elegido y sus razones simultáneas: conscientes (homogeneidad/heterogeneidad del encuentro; emulación del modelo animal; tipo, dinámica vincular y redes sociales; aspectos sociodemográficos; ubicación geográfica y accesibilidad; compartición sexual y expectativas inmediatas/ futuras), e inconscientes (problemática electora, interacción diádica y antecedentes parentales; mecanismos de defensa, intercambio de disociaciones; idealización; reciprocidad negativa, lucha de poder, identificación proyectiva, búsqueda de aprecio por el otro; narcisismo, falso sí mismo, mecanis mos de dilación/evasión de responsabilidad, inseguridad, intrusión y colusión). Una pareja saludable, entiende/atiende la creación y mantenimiento del "nosotros", elimina la lucha de poder y produce conciliación permanente. El acuerdo y comprensión tolerante son indispensables para una relación emocional satisfactoria, estable y duradera.

Abstract Human individualistic loneliness impels us to live as a couple and achieve complementarity between man and woman, af fection, and reciprocity. The science journalism of this article reviews the choice of partner, their satisfaction and complications, and preventive instruction of circumstances that cause rupture. The failure from the election ignores the mechanisms between reason and sexual instinct. The problem of love is not to be loved but to develop such a capacity, for it is extinguished by maladjustment and monotony. The voting/elected act and its simultaneous reasons are described: Conscious (homogeneity/heterogeneity of the encounter; emulation of the animal model; type, dynamic link and social networks; Sociodemographic aspects; sexual sharing and immediate/future expectations). Unconscious (electoral problems, dyadic interaction, and parental background; defense mechanisms, exchange of dissociations; idealization; negative reciprocity, power struggle, projective identification, search for appreciation for the other; narcissism, false self, mecha nisms of procrastination/evasion of responsibility, insecurity, intrusion, and collusion). A healthy couple, understands/at tends to the creation and maintenance of the "we", eliminates the power struggle and produces permanent conciliation. Tolerant agreement and understanding are indispensable for a satisfying, stable, and lasting emotional relationship.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1254-1260, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514348


La evaluación de la calidad y la arquitectura muscular son importantes para comprender y cuantificar los cambios musculares asociados con el envejecimiento y el estilo de vida sedentario, además nos facilita información de la capacidad del músculo para generar fuerza, potencia o funcionalidad. los objetivos del estudio fueron (I) determinar la asociación entre los parámetros de la arquitectura muscular y el índice de calidad muscular (MQI) y (II) determinar la asociación entre los parámetros de la arquitectura muscular y la potencia media relativa del sit to stand test (STS). Únicamente el grosor muscular (MT) mostró una asociación moderada con el MQI (r = 0,545). En contraste, tanto la longitud del fascículo (FL) como el ángulo de penación (PA) exhibieron asociaciones "muy bajas", las cuales no resultaron significativas con el MQI. Al examinar la relación de los parámetros de la arquitectura muscular con la potencia media relativa de STS, MT presentó una asociación "moderada" (r = 0,444). Sin embargo, tanto FL como PA mostraron asociaciones "muy bajas" y "bajas", respectivamente, con la potencia media relativa al STS. En conclusión, estos hallazgos refuerzan la idea de que MT puede ser un indicador relevante de la calidad muscular y la capacidad de generar potencia en la prueba de STS. Específicamente, se observó que un aumento en MT estaba asociado con una mejora en MQI y la potencia media relativa de STS.

SUMMARY: Assessment of muscle quality and architecture is important for understanding and quantifying muscle changes associated with aging and a sedentary lifestyle and provides information on the muscle's ability to generate strength, power, or function. The aims of the study were (I) to determine the association between muscle architecture parameters and muscle quality index (MQI) and (II) to determine the association between muscle architecture parameters and mean relative power in the sit-to-stand test (STS). Only muscle thickness (MT) showed a moderate association with MQI (r = 0.545). In contrast, both fascicle length (FL) and penile angle (PA) exhibited "very low" associations, which were not significant with the MQI. When examining the relationship between muscle architecture parameters and mean relative STS power, MT presented a "moderate" association (r = 0.444). However, both LF and PA showed "very low" and "low" associations, respectively, with a mean power relative to STS. In conclusion, these findings reinforce the idea that MT may be a relevant indicator of muscle quality and ability to generate power in the STS test. Specifically, an increase in MT was associated with an improvement in MQI and mean power relative to STS.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Músculo Esquelético/anatomia & histologia , Força Muscular/fisiologia , Comportamento Sedentário
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521072


El presente artículo se plantea como objetivo el de viabilizar el análisis de la relación existente entre las emergencias, auges y decadencias paradigmáticas en la historia de la humanidad y los procesos de búsqueda del conocimiento. Con este fin se apeló al método de investigación bibliográfica que permite la exploración de la producción de la comunidad académica sobre el fenómeno en cuestión, para alcanzar como resultados la definición de los paradigmas, las flexibilidades y parálisis paradigmáticas, el efecto paradigma y las características de los paradigmas que marcaron la forma de percibir la realidad de grandes masas poblacionales y se sostuvieron en grandes lapsos de tiempo, como son los paradigmas inmanente, trascendente, mecánico y sinérgico. Comprender los paradigmas desde los que las comunidades de la edad antigua, media y moderna se estructuraron y distribuyeron el poder, permite que se configuren aproximaciones sobre lo que está sucediendo en plena edad contemporánea.

The objective of this article is to make viable the analysis of the relationship between paradigmatic emergencies, booms and declines in the history of humanity and the processes of searching for knowledge. To this end, the bibliographical research method was used, which allows the exploration of the production of the academic community on the phenomenon in question, to achieve as results the definition of paradigms, flexibilities and paradigmatic paralysis, the paradigm effect and the characteristics of the paradigms that marked the way of perceiving the reality of large population masses and were sustained over long periods of time, such as the immanent, transcendent, mechanical and synergistic paradigms. Understanding the paradigms from which the communities of the ancient, middle and modern ages were structured and distributed power, allows us to configure approaches about what is happening in the contemporary age.

O objetivo deste artigo é viabilizar a análise da relação entre emergências paradigmáticas, booms e declínios na história da humanidade e os processos de busca do conhecimento. Para tanto, utilizou-se o método de pesquisa bibliográfica, que permite explorar a produção da comunidade acadêmica sobre o fenômeno em questão, para alcançar como resultados a definição de paradigmas, flexibilidades e paralisia paradigmática, o efeito do paradigma e as características do paradigmas que marcaram a forma de perceber a realidade de grandes massas populacionais e se mantiveram por longos períodos de tempo, como os paradigmas imanente, transcendente, mecânico e sinérgico. Compreender os paradigmas a partir dos quais as comunidades da Idade Antiga, Média e Moderna se estruturaram e distribuíram o poder, permite-nos configurar abordagens sobre o que se passa na contemporaneidade.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218024


Background: With the advancement of technology young generation i.e. students are friendlier with the electronic media for communication and understanding the concept. While some students still think that the older method such as use of blackboard is the better way for understanding or explains the concept. There are various studies were conducted to understand the perception of students regarding various teaching and learning media in overall curriculum but very few are conducted in students led seminar. Aim and Objectives: To compare the perception of students to the blackboard presentation and to the power point presentation in students led seminar. Material and Methods: A pre-designed, pretested self-administered questionnaire was prepared regarding perception of students on blackboard and PowerPoint presentation in learning process. Total 15 parameters were included in the questionnaire. Results: In this study 54% of students prefer the PowerPoint presentation (PPT) over the blackboard presentation (46%) as the best teaching method in the seminar. With the PPT presentation better demonstrations of clinical conditions and important points can be recalled during summarization of the topic. Blackboard teaching stimulates the interest and more stress on important point is given. Students and presenter’s interaction is better in Blackboard presentation. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that seminar delivered using PPT was more appreciated and preferred by the students.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226484


A good voice is the basic need of humans. For professional voice users, voice governs their livelihood and social attraction. A good singing voice is attained by the regular vocal exercises and vocal training. Singing involves the skills like respiration, phonation, resonance and articulation. Bhramari Pranayama (BP) involves both humming and respiration. Humming is the resultant of the activity vocal structures which may have effect on the quality of the voice. Aim: To evaluate the effect of Bhramari Pranayama (BP) on voice quality Settings and Design: The study is an open clinical trial involving 30 healthy prospective singers fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria, consenting for the study, who were enrolled through a survey in music schools in the region of Belagavi, Karnataka. Methods and Material: The voice of the 30 healthy prospective singers was recorded using PRAAT software with standard vocal tasks on day 0 of the study. Participants practiced 21 cycles of Bhramari Pranayama in the morning for 30 days. On Day 30, after the practice the voice was re-recorded with same vocal tasks and standard operative procedures being maintained. The recorded voice samples were saved and were subjected for voice analysis using softwares PRAAT, Vaghmi, CSL at AIISH, Mysuru. Statistical analysis used: Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 21 and Paired ‘t’ test was applied to derive the results. Statistical Significance was set up at p<0.05. Results: Bhramari pranayama showed highly significant results in the root mean square values of the Singing power ratio - SPR (p<0.01) and singing power difference (p<0.01). Significant results in the lowest value of the singing amplitude (p<0.05), singing amplitude range (p<0.01) and mean formant frequency of second formant of vowel /u/(p<0.05). Conclusion: Bhramari Pranayama improved the resonance characteristics of the voice and there by improved the quality of singing voice in prospective singers.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Mar; 71(3): 1025-1026
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224921


In this era of cutting-edge research and digitalization, artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly penetrated all subspecialties, including ophthalmology. Managing AI data and analytics is cumbersome, and implementing blockchain technology has made this task less challenging. Blockchain technology is an advanced mechanism with a robust database that allows the unambiguous sharing of widespread information within a business model or network. The data is stored in blocks that are linked together in chains. Since its inception in 2008, blockchain technology has grown over the years, and its novel use in ophthalmology has been less well documented. This section on current ophthalmology discusses the novel use and future of blockchain technology for intraocular lens power calculation and refractive surgery workup, ophthalmic genetics, payment methods, international data documentation, retinal images, global myopia pandemic, virtual pharmacy, and drug compliance and treatment. The authors have also provided valuable insights into various terminologies and definitions used in blockchain technology.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222453


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the validity and reliability of three bite registrations on articular disc position in temporomandibular disorder patients using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Materials and Methods: Fifteen clinically symptomatic and orthodontically untreated temporomandibular disorder patients within the age range of 17–40 years (mean age: 28.5 years) were examined. Each patient was subjected to three bite registrations, namely maximum intercuspation, initial contact bite and Roth power centric bite, and evaluated with MRI. Results: On the right side, the mean vertical and horizontal measurement values of the point in the most posterior aspect of the posterior band of the articular disc in relation to horizontal reference line (HRL) and vertical reference line (VRL) in the sagittal view in the Roth power centric bite were lesser (2.720 ± 1.239 mm and 2.380 ± 1.185 mm, respectively), in comparison with the other two bites, and on the left side too, it was lesser in the Roth power centric bite (2.293 ± 0.979 mm and 2.360 ± 1.078 mm, respectively), when compared to the other two bites. Statistical analysis also showed the significance of Roth power centric bite over the other two bites. Conclusions: Favourable articular disc positional changes were observed in the Roth power centric bite followed by the initial contact bite and that maximum disc recapture was observed in most patients with the Roth power centric bite rather than in initial contact bite and maximum intercuspation positions. The Roth power centric bite could be assumed to be the ideal method for articulation and fabrication of gnathological splints for treating patients with temporomandibular disorders.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Feb; 71(2): 541-546
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224842


Purpose: To evaluate a method using measured values of total corneal refractive power (TCRP) for a manufacturer’s online calculator by comparing it with the Barrett toric calculator (BTC) and Kane toric calculator (KTC) combined with simulated keratometry values (SimK). Methods: This was a retrospective case series. Patient records were reviewed to identify the patients who had biometry with the IOL Master 700 and Pentacam recorded before toric IOL implantation and refractive follow?up data after implantation. The predicted error in residual astigmatism was calculated by vector analysis according to the calculation methods and the measurements used. Results: A total of 70 eyes of 56 patients were included. The mean absolute astigmatism prediction errors were 0.6 ± 0.32, 0.59 ± 0.35, and 0.61 ± 0.35 D for the ATCTCRP, BTCSimK, and KTCSimK calculators, respectively (P = 0.934), and the centroid of the prediction errors were 0.3 D @ 178°, 0.11 D @ 102°, and 0.09 D @ 147°, respectively (P = 0.23). In the with?the?rule subgroup, the centroid of the prediction error was 0.34 D @ 176° for ATCTCRP and was the highest among the three calculation methods (P = 0.046). Conclusion: The ATCTCRP, BTCSimK, and KTCSimK calculators had similar performance with regards to their astigmatism prediction accuracy. The ATCTCRP calculator combined with 4.0?mm apex/ ring readings of TCRP was slightly intended to result in against?the?rule residual astigmatism.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 107-112, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990145


Objective:To investigate the effect of power PICC with two different external lengths in patients with hematologic diseases.Methods:From August 2020 to August 2021, a retrospective analysis was conducted on 233 cases of hematologic diseases who received power PICC catheterization in Department of Hematology, the Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University, the patients were divided into 0-1 cm group (132 cases) and 2-4 cm group (101 cases) according to the external lengths after catheter insertion. The incidence of related complications and patient comfort at 24 hours, 72 hours, 7 days and 14 days after catheterization were compared between the two groups.Results:At 24 hours and 72 hours after catheterization, the incidence of bleeding at puncture point in 0-1 cm group was 14.39%(19/132) and 9.85%(13/132), in 2-4 cm group was 30.69%(31/101) and 32.67%(33/101), the difference was statistically significant ( χ2=9.02, 14.16, both P<0.05). The rate of redness and swelling of punture point at 7 days after catheterization was 9.09%(12/132) and 40.59%(41/101) in the two groups, with statistical significance ( χ2=32.32, P<0.05). The rates of slightly prolapse at 7 and 14 days after catheterization were 18.18% (24/132) and 18.94%(25/132) in 0-1 cm group, 59.41% (60/101) and 67.33%(68/101) in 2-4 cm group, the difference between the two groups was statistically significant ( χ2=42.18, 55.86, both P<0.05). In the observation of comfort at 14 days after catheterization, the comfort score of patients in the 0-1 cm group was significantly higher than that in the 2-4 cm group, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant ( χ2=7.34, P<0.05). Conclusions:Patients with hematologic diseases can reduce the risk of bleeding and slightly prolapse, and improve the comfort of patients when the external lengths is 0-1 cm of power PICC, which is worthy of clinical application and promotion. The catheterizer should adopt accurate in appropriate measurement method to determine the best lengths of the catheters.

International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 417-423,F4, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989474


Objective:To investigate the efficacy and safety of en-bloc low-power (22.5 W) holmium laser for enucleation of prostate (LP-HoLEP) in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).Methods:The clinical data of 98 patients with BPH who underwent surgical treatment in the Department of Urology, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University from January 2020 to October 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. They were divided into LP-HoLEP group ( n=53) and TURP group ( n=45) according to different treatment methods. Patients in the LP-HoLEP group were treated with en-bloc holmium laser enucleation of prostate, and patients in the TURP group were treated with transurethral resection of prostate (TURP). Perioperative indexes of the two groups were compared, including operation time, postoperative hemoglobin changes, tissue resection amount, postoperative catheter indentation time, postoperative hospital stay, complications, and international prostate symptom score (IPSS), quality of life (Qol) score, maximum urine flow rate (Qmax), postvoid residual volume (PVR) and other indicators were obtained at 3 and 6 months after surgery. The measurement data were tested by Shapiro-Wilk normality test. The measurement data conforming to normal distribution were expressed as mean ± standard deviation ( ± s), independent sample t-test was used for comparison between groups, measurement data of skewness distribution were expressed as median (interquartile distance)[ M( Q1, Q3)], and Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison between groups. The Chi-square test was used to compare the count data between groups. Results:In the LP-HoLEP group, the operative time was (65.74±22.82) min, the hemoglobin decreased 5.71(3.97, 9.01) g/L, the tissue resection volume was (60.59±24.40) g, and the catheter indinduration time was (3.03±0.91) d. The length of postoperative hospitalization was (4.14±1.05) d. TURP group was (77.04±27.33) min, 11.02(8.89, 16.51) g/L, (39.49±11.32) g, (4.80±0.91) d, (5.98±1.03) d, respectively. All the indexes of LP-HoLEP group were better than TURP group. The differences were statistically significant ( P<0.05). Compared with preoperative, IPSS, Qol score, Qmax and PVR of two groups were significantly improved at 3 months after surgery, but there were no statistical significance between groups ( P>0.05). Conclusion:En-bloc LP-HoLEP is safe and reliable in the treatment of BPH, and has advantages over TURP in terms of tissue resection volume, shortening hospitalization and indwelling catheter time, and reducing intraoperative bleeding.

International Journal of Biomedical Engineering ; (6): 360-364, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989364


ICU acute respiratory distress syndrome has a high morbidity and mortality rate, and these patients usually need mechanical ventilation to maintain their respiratory function during treatment. However, improper setting of mechanical ventilation parameters may lead to ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of VILI, ARDSnet recommends the use of a protective ventilation strategy with low tidal volume and limited airway plateau pressure. However, from the perspective of ventilator energy transfer, VILI is actually the result of a combination of respiratory parameters such as tidal volume, airway pressure, and respiratory rate. The mechanical power well reflects the combined effect of the above parameters and is increasingly becoming a hot topic in clinical research. In this review paper, the definitions of mechanical energy and mechanical power were introduced, and the calculation methods of mechanical power under different respiratory modes are summarized. Moreover, the clinical studies related to mechanical power and VILI and further exploration of the safety threshold of mechanical power are reviewed. It is expected to provide new ideas for the future clinical development of personalized mechanical ventilation strategies and the effective prevention of VILI.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 53-56, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988919


Objective: To analyze the occurrence and risk factors of various occupational hazard incidents in China's power grid enterprises. Methods: A total of 4 191 workers from eight power grid enterprises in Jilin Province, Shandong Province, and Chongqing City were selected using a convenience sampling method. Their exposure in workplace and the occurrence of various occupational hazard incidents from 2018 to 2020 were investigated. Results: Among the participants, 71.7% were engaged in outdoor operations. The incidence rates of occupational hazard emergency, ranking from high to low, were electric ophthalmia, acute mountain sickness, heatstroke, electro-flash dermatitis, sunburn, cold injury, solar ophthalmia, and gas poisoning in confined space, with the rate of 42.3%, 42.3%, 38.1%, 24.3%, 17.4%, 16.5%, 10.0%, and 1.3%, respectively (P<0.01). The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that workers in Jilin Province had a higher risk of cold injury compared to those in Shandong Province and Chongqing City (all P<0.01). Workers in Chongqing City had a higher risk of solar ophthalmia than those in Jilin Province (P<0.01). Workers in inspection and maintenance positions had a higher risk of heatstroke and sunburn compared to those in substation positions (all P<0.05). Power grid workers with protective systems in enterprises had a lower risk of sunburn and solar ophthalmia compared to those without protective systems (all P<0.01). The risks of sunburn and solar ophthalmia among power grid workers increased with age and daily outdoor working time (all P<0.05). Taking protective measures was a protective factor against heatstroke and cold injury (all P<0.01). Conclusion: Power grid workers face the risk of various occupational hazard incidents. Relevant organizations should conduct targeted preventive measures based on regional and worker characteristics, and ensure the implementation of protective systems in different work environments.

Chinese Journal of Radiological Health ; (6): 408-412, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988213


Objective To investigate the gross alpha and gross beta radioactivity levels in drinking water around Shidao Bay Nuclear Power Plant before its operation. Methods Ten sampling sites were set up within 30 km of Shidao Bay Nuclear Power Plant. From 2018 to 2021, samples were collected during the dry season and wet season each year and were tested in a laboratory according to Standard examination methods for drinking water—radiological parameters (GB/T 5750.13—2006). Results From 2018 to 2021, the gross alpha radioactivity in drinking water within 30 km of Shidao Bay Nuclear Power Plant was within the range of about 0.004-0.420 Bq/L, which does not exceed the guided gross alpha radioactivity specified in the National Standard; from 2018 to 2021, the gross beta radioactivity level was about 0.008-1.050 Bq/L. In 2018, the gross beta radioactivity at the sampling site 4.7 km from the Nuclear Power Plant exceeded the guided level specified in the National Standards for Drinking Water Quality (GB 5749—2006), but it fell within the guided level in a repeat laboratory test after deducting the effect of 40K on the gross beta radioactivity. Conclusion After deducting the effect of 40K on the gross beta radioactivity, the gross alpha and gross beta radioactivity levels in drinking water within 30 km of Shidao Bay Nuclear Power Plant are within the guided levels specified in the National Standards.

Chinese Journal of Radiological Health ; (6): 15-20, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965365


@#<b>Objective</b> To monitor the cumulative terrestrial γ radiation dose around Shidaowan nuclear power plant, Shandong, China before operation, to analyze the dose levels and influencing factors, and to estimate the annual effective dose to local residents. <b>Methods</b> Fifty-six monitoring sites were selected within 30 km around the nuclear power plant. The environmental γ radiation dose was measured by the thermoluminescence dosimeter monitoring method. The γ radiation dose levels were investigated for 369 days in four monitoring periods (January 16 to April 14, April 15 to July 20, July 21 to October 21, 2021, and October 22, 2021 to January 20, 2022 for periods I to IV, respectively). Relations between γ radiation and monitoring time, altitude, distance from the nuclear power plant were analyzed, and the annual effective dose of terrestrial γ radiation to residents was estimated to reflect the background terrestrial γ radiation level in the area. <b>Results</b> The average values of terrestrial γ radiation dose rate in the four monitoring periods in the area were (76.196 ± 3.366), (81.773 ± 6.144), (93.554 ± 7.449), and (97.604 ± 9.396) nGy/h, respectively, and the terrestrial γ radiation dose rate in the whole year was (87.282 ± 6.589) nGy/h. The effective dose to residents was 0.428 mSv. The terrestrial γ radiation level was high from July 2021 to January 2022. There was no significant difference in the γ radiation dose rate at the monitoring sites with different distance from the nuclear power plant. No impact upon the terrestrial γ radiation dose by the altitude was observed in this study. <b>Conclusion</b> The terrestrial γ radiation level around Shidaowan nuclear power plant in 2021 was at the background level.

Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine ; (12): 55-61, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964649


Background Long working hours is harmful to the physical and mental health of occupational groups, and should receive active attention. Objective To evaluate the current status of long working hours among operation and maintenance workers of power supply enterprises, and explore its effects on work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) of the population. Methods From March to June 2021, a cross-sectional survey was conducted among 1433 operation and maintenance workers from 10 power supply enterprises in Jilin Province, Shandong Province, and Tianjin Municipality using cluster sampling. A total of 1433 copies of revised Mus-culoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire were distributed, 1343 questionnaires were recovered, and the recovery rate was 93.72%. The questionnaire included general information, personal health behaviors, weekly working hours, work-related factors, and musculoskeletal pain or discomfort in nine body parts in the past 12 months. χ2 test and multiple logistic regression models were used to investigate the relationships between long working hours (>40 h per week) and WMSDs. Results The average age of the workers was (39.42±9.89) years, and the average work experience was 11.00 (5.00, 21.00) years. There were 1158 males (86.22%) and 185 females (13.78%). The average weekly working hours of the workers were (47.98±11.35) h, and the proportion of long working hours (>40 h per week) was 61.06% (820/1343). The proportions of long working hours were higher among the workers with characteristics of male, power distribution, shift work, often/very often long-time standing, often/very often holding awkward postures, often handling heavy objects, limited space to operate, long-time neck tilting backward, keeping arms above shoulders, frequent elbow bending, repeating knee movement every minute, and repeating lower limb or foot movement every minute (all P<0.05). The prevalence rate of WMSDs was 81.53% (1095/1343) among the workers. The results of multiple logistic regression showed that after adjusting education, smoking, exercise, awkward postures, often handling heavy objects, limited space to operate, long-time heavy trunk bending, long-time neck tilting backward, and keeping arms above shoulders, compared with working ≤40 h per week, the risk of WMSDs among workers working >49 h per week was higher (OR=1.406, 95%CI: 1.011-1.955). Conclusion Long working hours is prominent among operation and maintenance workers of power supply enterprises, and increases the risk of reporting WMSDs.

Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine ; (12): 34-42, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964646


Background Power grid is a basic industry of national economy. The occupational health problems among operation and maintenance workers in this industry have become increasingly prominent in recent years, and they should receive enough attention. Objective To estimate the prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) of neck and shoulder among operation and maintenance workers of power supply enterprises, and analyze related influencing factors. Methods From March to June 2021, a total of 1433 operation and maintenance worker from 10 power supply enterprises in three provinces of North China were selected as research subjects using cluster sampling method. A revised Musculoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire was used to investigate the prevalence and ergonomic factors of neck and shoulder pain in the past year. χ2 test and logistic regression model were used to explore influencing factors of neck and shoulder pain among operation and maintenance workers. Results A total of 1343 valid questionnaires were recovered and the effective recovery rate was 93.72%. The neck pain prevalence was 66.0% (886 cases) and the shoulder pain prevalence was 54.1% (727 cases). The multiple logistic regression analysis results showed that often/very often long-time sitting (OR=1.864, 95%CI: 1.236-2.811; OR=1.659, 95%CI: 1.091-2.524), sometimes holding awkward postures (OR=1.695, 95%CI: 1.294-2.219; OR=1.596, 95%CI: 1.218-2.092), often/very often holding awkward postures (OR=2.416, 95%CI: 1.618-3.607; OR=2.058, 95%CI: 1.405-3.015), long-time slight neck tilting forward (OR=1.327, 95%CI: 1.023-1.722; OR=1.571, 95%CI: 1.221-2.022), long-time elbows bending (OR=1.327, 95%CI: 1.023-1.722; OR=1.506, 95%CI: 1.112-2.040) and department or team staff shortages (OR=1.578, 95%CI: 1.153-2.161; OR=1.831, 95%CI: 1.320-2.539) were associated with higher neck and shoulder pain prevalence rates. While exercise (OR=0.630, 95%CI: 0.492-0.809; OR=0.707, 95%CI: 0.557-0.899) was associated with lower neck and shoulder pain prevalence rates. Doing same work every day (OR=1.704, 95%CI: 1.305-2.225) was associated with a higher neck pain prevalence rate. Awkward postures with ineffectual force (OR=1.808, 95%CI: 1.226-2.665) and often keeping arms above shoulders (OR=1.424, 95%CI: 1.017-1.992) were associated with a higher shoulder pain prevalence rate. Conclusion The prevalence rates of neck and shoulder pian are high among operation and maintenance workers of power supply enterprises in selected three provinces of North China, and the main associated factors include individual factors, awkward work postures, and labor organization.

Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine ; (12): 21-26, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964644


Background Operation and maintenance work in the power grid industry often involving climbing, manual handling, and poor postures causing serious problems like work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). The influencing factors of WMSDs are not very clear, but the problem has been widely concerned in this industry. Objective To understand the prevalence and influencing factors of WMSDs among climbing task-involved workers in power supply enterprises. Methods Using a cross-sectional design, a total of 702 workers involving climbing task from 10 power supply enterprises in Jilin Province, Tianjin Municipality, and Shandong province were selected as study subjects using cluster sampling. The Musculoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire which was revised by Lei Yang was used to estimate the prevalence and identify related factors of WMSDs. \begin{document}$ {\chi